From our local school board to the Senate, it’s important to vote in every election. And, as Democrats, we believe it should be easier for Americans to vote, not harder. We are dedicated to ensuring that all voters have an opportunity to exercise their right to vote. Following are some helpful resources:
VOTER REGISTRATION LOOKUP: It takes less than 30 seconds to check your registration status using the State of Connecticut's Voter Registration Lookup.
ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION: If you have a current identification issued through the Department of Motor Vehicles (Driver's License, Learner's Permit, etc.), you can register using Connecticut’s Online Voter Registration form. If you don't have those forms of ID, you can download, fill out, and return a State of Connecticut Mail-In Voter Registration Form.
SAME-DAY VOTER REGISTRATION: This allows any qualified individual who is NOT already registered to vote in West Hartford to register and cast a ballot on the same day. Registration is offered at Town Hall (50 South Main Street), Room 400.
If, on the day you go to vote, you are still registered at a previous address in town, you will need to go to the polling location associated with your current address. When you get there, you will be asked to fill out a new voter registration form and permitted to vote, pending approval by a poll worker and verification from your previous polling location that you have not already voted in that election.
Thanks to legislation that passed in 2023 and took effect in 2024, Connecticut residents have the option to vote early in general elections, most primaries, special elections, and presidential preference primaries. For more information about early voting, visit the Secretary of the State's website.
Other questions? Please contact the Registrars of Voters.
District 1-1: King Philip Middle School, 100 King Philip Drive*
District 1-2: King Philip Middle School, 100 King Philip Drive*
District 2: Bristow Middle School, 34 Highland Street
District 3: Town Hall, 50 South Main Street
District 4-1: Charter Oak International Academy, 425 Oakwood Avenue*
District 4-2: Charter Oak International Academy, 425 Oakwood Avenue*
District 5: Conard High School, 110 Beechwood Road
District 6: Sedgwick Middle School, 128 Sedgwick Road
District 7: Bugbee Elementary School, 1943 Asylum Avenue
District 8: Hall High School, 975 North Main Street
Not sure of your polling location? This District Map might be useful. Or, look up your information here.
(*) These polling locations have two designated spaces for voting because their areas of West Hartford are represented by different seats in the Connecticut House of Representatives.