Owen Eagan
Judge of Probate
Owen P. Eagan is the Town of West Hartford’s third probate judge. He is currently serving his third term.
A lifelong West Hartford resident and local attorney who founded the law firm Eagan, Donahue, Van Dyke & Falsey, Owen has followed his father’s lead, the retired U.S. Magistrate F. Owen Eagan, in upholding Connecticut’s laws.
Recalling that its been over 30 years since his father had sworn him in as a Connecticut lawyer, Eagan said, “[My father’s] acts of kindness taught me the importance of using one’s talents to help others. Now, as I am a father myself, I would like to follow in my Dad’s footsteps to serve the town that I was lucky enough to grow up in as its probate judge because I believe I can make a difference, and I truly want to make a difference in the lives of the people here.”
Noting the probate court’s service to children, the elderly, persons with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities and with the affairs of decedents’ estates, Eagan said he would keep a high standard of sympathetic fairness in the court.
“It’s my goal to serve all the people who come before me as Probate Judge,” he said, “and treat them with kindness and dignity while being fair to all.”
A former member of our Town Council and Deputy Mayor, Eagan has also served our community as a coach on West Hartford youth soccer, basketball and football.
Click here to visit the West Hartford Probate Court website.